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How can you get involved IN HAG & YOUR COMMUNITY
below we have provided an overview of how you can help to green and clean Your community.
Cleaning & Greening - your community needs you!
Download the fix my street mobile app
Frustrated seeing fly tipping e.g. mattresses, black bags, furniture left on the street? Download the Fix My Street mobile phone application and report issues while you are on the move. Report a variety of issues on your road or elsewhere is Hounslow from fly tips, dog fouling, graffiti, dead street trees to broken street lights. Download the app here. Scroll down to the end of the Fix My Street webpage and choose your phones operating system - Android or Apple. Alternatively, download it via the app store on your mobile. Everything you can report via this application goes directly to Hounslow Highways (Hounslow Council's partners) to resolve. We know you will love it, HAG do!
Join in one of our next litter pickING EVENTS
Please look to the Events page on this website or follow us on our social media platforms for notification of future event dates.
Are you interested in litter picking in your immediate neighbourhood, perhaps while out walking the dog or on the way home after taking your children to school? HAG can help by providing you with a litter picker(s), bags and gloves. If you are interested send an email to and we will arrange for these item to be delivered to your home. The person delivering will also explain how to ensure the litter you collect is reported and collected via the Fix My Street app. Thank you Hounslow Highways for providing HAG with the bags and equipment.
While out litter picking, stay safe by telling a friend or family member where you are going, report any bulky or dangerous items via the Fix My Street mobile app. Avoid picking up anything with ungloved hands and wash and sanitise your equipment once home. It is also important that you read in full our Litter Picking Safety Guidelines before you begin litter picking. A copy can be found here.
Join our community garden in Sutton playing fields
Everyone is welcome here!
Do you want to meet others, learn and share your gardening experience and horticultural knowledge? Heston Community Garden was created with the support LB Hounslow's Thriving Communities Fund and is the focal point for HAG. We meet regularly every Sunday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and more frequently during Spring & Summer. We are currently hosting Heston in the Loop gardening workshops every other Tuesday and Thursday until the end of 2023. Please check out the events page.
If you are interested or want more information message us through our social media platforms or send an email to
become a HAG Street Tree champion
HAG have worked with local and national bodies to increase the number of trees in Heston. As many of these trees are young and fragile, during their first few years, we have managed to form a growing number of street trees champions across Heston. Our summers are getting hotter and dryer so our young street trees require care and assistance during the summer season. We have also launched the West London Tree Hub in Heston Community Garden with the support of the London Mayor's Grow Back Greener Fund.
If you are interested send an email to and we will contact you to provide a water bag and record the tree you will water. A little help in the early life of a tree helps to ensure its survival and that you and others have a wonderful tree to enjoy!
become AN Environmental CHAMPION
As part of Cleaner Greener Hounslow, Hounslow Council have launched a community volunteering opportunity to get residents from all parts of the borough to join in making Hounslow a cleaner and greener place to live. They want to empower communities to make a difference by developing a volunteering network bringing everyone together to tackle environmental priorities. Please consider registering an interest. Be the change you want to see!
Join our next HAG HIKE
HAG Hikes are great fun and local!
It is a great opportunity for you to make friends and to get to know the wonderful open spaces Heston and Osterley have to offer. Your children are welcome too, however they have to be accompanied by you or a guardian that is 18 years of age or over. We also provide educational and informative pamphlets for them to enjoy on the day and to take home.
Join in our next Tree planting DAY
HAG are passionate about planting new trees and mini forests in and around Heston. In March 2022 we planted 150 whips (very young trees) in partnership with the Woodland Trust and The Queen’s Green Canopy which was a unique tree planting initiative created to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee. Over the past 3 years we have also partnered with GreenSpace360, the Woodland Trust on other events and the National Trust to plant young trees and saplings in Heston parks and other green community spaces. We also work with Hounslow Highways regarding the planting of new and replacement street trees - and there are many new beautiful street trees this year - take a walk down Summerhouse Avenue!
Join in our next 'play street'
Play Streets is a Hounslow Council Initiative. They are a great opportunity to allow your children to play safely for a time on your street. HAG have held a number of these events and they have been a great success! Further details on the Play Street events can be found here.
Please look to the Events page on this website or follow us on our social media platforms for any future events.

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