Our projects and
Heston Action Group is all about Cleaning, Greening and improving the environment in Heston. We work with other local environmental groups, local schools and youth organisations, and the London Borough of Hounslow Council to achieve our aims.

West London Tree Hub
HAG was successful in its bid to the London Mayor's Grow Back Greener Fund, in order to create the West London Tree Hub. Through this we have started a tree nursery with donations from The Conservation Volunteers (TCV) ~ "IDigTrees", which will become the centre for education and information about the importance of trees in our urban landscape. Through engagement with local schools and the community, and our partnership with Hounslow & Hounslow Highways (and other sponsors) we aim to depave and rewild some of our public spaces and front gardens.
Heston community garden
HAG have worked with LB Hounslow and other organisations to develop a Community Garden in an area of Sutton Playing Fields. A public consultation was held in 2020; the response from Heston residents was overwhelming in favour of this project. As we can see from current participation and attendance its obvious that's the case. If you would like to get involved in the community garden please email us at hestonactiongroup@gmail.com.

heston in the loop - collaboration with ReLOnDON & Hounslow Council
HAG are collaborating with Hounslow Council and ReLondon to run the Heston in the Loop Project - focussing on the transition to a circular economy through initiatives in Heston and Hounslow. Come and join our gardening workshops at Heston Community Garden.
Hounslow GreenTalk has been set up by Hounslow Council to lead the identification and cultivation of the tree legacy in the borough. The primary objective is to provide a mechanism for community groups in Hounslow to recruit new and engage existing members/volunteers to adopt and care for trees in their area.

In May 2021, HAG were awarded a large grant by the Hounslow Council Thriving Communities Fund for the restoration and enhancement of Heston War Memorial. The restoration of the monument has been completed, and replanting around its immediate curtilage and lighting is now in place. For more information download an overview of the project from here.